Ok since this is probably the first time anyone has RPGed I will give the basic rules.
First of RPG stands for Roll Playing Game, think of it as though your writing a story together. You create your own character and interact with the others.
1. You have the creator/ game-master only he or she has the power to change the story everyone else has to ask if they can do something that may change the plot. (if the game-master doesn't have a plan then you can basically do whatever you want)
2. If your the creator you still have to follow the rules which leads me to number three.
3. Rules: When you create an RPG you MUST have the rules posted at the top, you can add your own rules if you want these are just the basic ones.
1. You can not be invincible: to many times there has been players who walk into a battle kill everyone and come out unscathed, so please at least get a cut or something.
2. You can not control other peoples characters (except if they say you can): Like in battle you cannot swing your sword and say you hit the other player, its not far to the other person.
3. Character limits: Normally people only have one character but if they do want more you can have a limit, if they reach that limit they have to ask to have another character.
4. No Language: I don't think we're going to have a problem with that even so, no swearing or inappropriate words.
5. Character profile: You obviously need a character if you want to play so
Name: obvious
Age: You can have a limit if you want like 10-20 or something
Gender: preferably Male or Female
Personality: What they act like
Appearance: A picture if you cannot find one you can ask or a description would be good
Bio: A couple sentences about their past, family, or whatever.
So thats basically all there is to it, it you have any questions you can post them below